Anyway, as usual, I perused the store while the snow came down outside (our first accumulation this winter! I won't complain...even though we already had today off, so it didn't matter much in the way of school!). LOVE the clearance section. Last time I was there, found these great "Caught Being Good" bracelets that I use with my "STAR of the Week" we give out each Friday (we give out from me, one from my assistant, and one from my collab. teacher....the kids are VERY into it!). They were 50 cents for a pack of 12! Woo hoo! Snagged up every one they had, figuring 3Xhowever many weeks of school we have left, plus leftovers for next year.
So, this time, my find from Staples, I was even MORE excited because I saw on someone's blog (I wish I remembered who! I think it was a Kindergarten one) that they used linking chains to create words. LIGHTBULB! My kids could do that in one of our literacy centers with their word study! So, snatched those up at 50 cents a bag! THEN I found dry erase calendars that were magnetic. For once, did not care about the magnetic part (and usually I am all over magnets!). What a great math center to do when we learn calendar! Too bad we already did it this year, but in they went into my box. Again, 50 cents a board! Complete with dry erase marker!
Yep, got my cardstock and a few other items, as well as my "treasures", and of course, used that credit ALL up! Are you as addicted to office supply stores as I am? That and Dollar Tree. I have already told my family and husband they can get me gift cards there for presents and I will be as happy as a clam!
If you haven't checked your Staples clearance yet, what are you waiting for??? :)
Last thought: This comes from my 5 1/2 year old. We ALL had a holiday today for President's Day (not sure how we swung that!), but of course, when my principal emailed and said the building would be open (delayed b/c of the snow of course!), I got so excited! Of COURSE I came in! (Sadly, I think I was the only one who did! What does that say about me?) As my daughter and I ran to Walmart to get something for my classroom, she announced happily, "I love teacher workdays!" I explained to her it wasn't quite a teacher workday, but she grinned and replied, "It is for US!"
So, is anyone else as crazy....whoops.... dedicated as I am???
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