Showing posts with label Grammar Detective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grammar Detective. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fostering Independence?????

Hmm...maybe not "fostering"..."encouraging" or "teaching" or "desperately trying to instill"????

I have the sweetest class this year - don't get me wrong. However, they are so far from possessing independent skills, it's been driving me a little batty.  School started back on August 15th, and my students are STILL not in settled into our routine!  It's been tough this year since all the talk about "self-reliance" and "self-discipline" from our Citizenship unit has apparently gone in one side and out the other!  

So, in order to keep my sanity, I'm revising a few things.  I love, love, LOVED (notice past tense) my BUILD center setup.  I will be continuing this.  Only...that nice little Excel spreadsheet I did on it?  That's being heavily revised.  I have students who are struggling with both reading and math and while we may practice some of the games during our Investigations's apparently pretty difficult to remember when we see them the following week in our BUILD box.  (sigh).  I'll be posting games on here as I make them.

So, in order to accomodate my little learners this year, I'm backtracking and creating a LOT of new things for BUILD and my assistant that comes in to help us during math...hopefully at the students' current level and on their retention/reading skills.

Here are a couple things I've created and have now posted on the two teacher store sites (you know 'em:  TpT and Teacher's Notebook).  Click on the picture and it'll take you to one of them.  It seems most people use TpT, so I'll send ya there.  Or, if you prefer the other, the links to the side take you directly to my stores. :)

Oh, and for all you Common Core people?  Virginia apparently is a "believer" (or "initiative member") in CC, but not adopting because our standards are very similar (they really are!  I checked out the comparison chart on the VDOE website, and if its not taught in 2nd, its covered in first or third!).  I'll let you use your judgment, but I do create for our standards, but I know how everyone is so hot for CC that I thought I'd throw this disclaimer in! :)

Okey dokey, now that I have that taken care of, here are a few things I have created/posted (and can I say how HAPPY I am that I have an extra day to create this weekend??? I realize this after it took me more hours than I thought to create these activities!).

Calendar Skills (days of the week/months of the year/abbreviations/finding dates and days on the calendar, putting things in order, and even some ordinal numbers thrown in with the directions):

Hundred Chart Activities (including posters on skip counting by 2, 3, 5, and 10 as well as how to use the hundred chart to add and subtract; missing numbers (counting), and making a hundred chart puzzle).

Another game of SCOOT (I haven't quite introduced this game to my new kiddos yet...I might be doing easy versions here in the future!)

and last, but not least is a new "Grammar Detectives" I'm going to play with my kids...I've already hinted it with them by doing a "detective theme" with writing in my class...they're anxious to start earning their badges!
I have more I'm uploading to the teacher stores....a math ice cream matching cones (number, words, ten frames, tally marks), as well as a soft/hard c game. I think I'm tackling time, blends, and matter next...not to mention post some of the magnet things we've been doing in class!  Whew!  Thanks for reading, and I hope you find something useful!

Oh, and on a personal son made the Lego Robotics team at his middle school!  YES!  I am so proud of him for getting involved and having a great year so far!  Have any of your children/former students done this before?  I am super excited to see their competition in November!  As for my daughter, the socialite :), she tested on a third grade reading level! (She's in first!).  She must be a lot like her mama with reading....I used to hide out in the bathroom at night just so I could finish "one more chapter."  So, is anything exciting happening in your life?  Can you tell mine revolves around school and my kids? :)