Showing posts with label classroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classroom. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2012

More pics from the classroom

Okay this is a bit of an experiment....blogging and taking pics with smartphone using the blogger app. My apologies if things are misspelled, etc.

I am trying to cause some excitement with my students by making writing more of a "whodunit " activity. The kids won't know what's behind the "curtain" until we explore it more and they can guess.  I'll be writing more grammar adventures to go along with this, but when my friend was getting rid of this mystery theme, I jumped on it!  My apologies for the sideways pics, but you get the idea (I couldn't get it all in one shot).  Anyone know how to change that using your phone?  Something tells me I won't be doing this as much! :P

Also pictured are my literacy centers.  I hope to take "action shots" with the kids....looking at the pic, they look kinda dull (which does not seem worth 3+ hours of work yesterday!).  Okay, well, Open House is tomorrow so I'm hoping the parents will like the room as well as the kiddos!  Thanks for the compliments from my earlier post in my room! :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Back to School and a Sale!

So I've been working on getting my room super organized (well, as much as possible!) as well as set up for the next school year.  Figured I'd share the work in progress so I don't bombard you with pics all in one post. 

In our district, teachers start back August 8 and I like to have as much done as possible, because you never know what might come up!.  In addition,I want to focus on getting planning son is starting middle school this year and I am more days after 5pm at school!!!!!  He won't be here after hours (unless I go pick him up) so even though my house is less than 15 minutes from here, I will try to resist! :)

Oh, and don't forget!  Everything during August is 50% off in my Teacher's Notebook store!  Stock up on Scoot games (50 cents!) and more! ;)  

My Reading Focus Wall:  Our first book from Harcourt Trophies we're doing as a Read Aloud will be "Wilson Sat Alone."  The posters above have velcro so I can take them down and use them as needed in groups!

These are super cute Beanie posters I found last year when I decided to start doing a Reading Focus Wall.  Debated on putting them all up or just one at a time...but that left lots of empty space, so like the posters, I figure I can take them down and have the group "focus" on them!  Also thought about getting cute sticky notes with arrows or check marks to show the ones we're concentrating on/mastered!

I want to go back to doing a "Poem of the Week" with my kids, then using it in reading groups and for Grammar/Writing Focus.  Also the purple board is the "featured Anchor chart."

Still work in progress....Math focus "board."  This is right next to my group table ....everything is "magnetic" (some magnets need to be reinforced, obviously!).  I can take it down or point it out to students...this is more effective than last year, when the board was in the back of the room and I don't think any of my students really referenced it!

Math manipulatives shelf...trying to make it look appealing since it's by the door (I could not move the metal cabinet once the floors were waxed, so I had to make do!  It's usually hidden on the other side of the cabinet!).

Literacy Center organization....I lucked into the red ones for $5 apiece, and should have gone back for more!

Comfy reading center, although the kids will take the beanbags anywhere in the room! :)

Back bulletin discipline/job board with the flamingos...will add frogs with student names (once I get my list!).  Book boxes are in front of the History/Science focus board (this is near my carpet where I do most of my direct teaching for History/Science).

So excited about using BUILD for math centers! :)  Word wall is behind it.

Over by my desk, I decided to put rules and good character (along with my meerkat family....I somehow find the poster relaxing!).