Showing posts with label fire safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire safety. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Community Helpers: Firefighters

We had a very busy month in October, so I couldn't do some of my "normal" lessons I love.  However, the Kindergarten classes are currently studying community helpers, so I loved the fact that even though November is not Fire Safety Month (October), I was still able to fit this in with my first and Kindergarten!

This is such a fun and high interest unit for these kids.  I have several that have parents that are volunteer firefighters in our community, as well as paid firefighters, so it really does make a big impact.

Since I was doing this with my PreK, K, and first grade classes, I used the following books:
*Firefighters A to Z by Chris Demarest (1)
*A Visit to the Fire Station by B.A. Hoena (PK)

*Firefighters at Work by Karen Kenny (K)
Image result for firefighters a to zImage result for a visit to the fire station bookImage result for firefighters at work book

The students have been loving the printable books we've been doing this year, as well as some of our poems, so I combined our "5 Little Firefighters" chant into our printable coloring book with sight words about firefighters.  I've been getting a good parent response to these books as well!  I plan on making more of them, so don't be surprised to see me making more and maybe adding our featured poem at the end as well (copyright friendly ones)!  The kids love tracing the words over and over and learning to read them with the picture clues.  It also gives me an excuse to keep up my clipart habit to my husband!

If you'd like to see more, here is the link to {Teacher's Notebook} or click on the pictures below for Teachers Pay Teachers.