Showing posts with label pirates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pirates. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2015

Here There Be Pirates!

I had an amazing time with my first graders combining maps and pirates!  My first grade teachers had asked me to work with the students on creating maps.  What better way than with pirates!

We read a book called A Pirate's Guide to First Grade by James Preller to set the mood.
Image result for a pirate's guide to first grade

We also read a cool book on maps, to review map skills (there were some pages I skipped if it didn't meet the standards for first, i.e. too high):  Follow That Map!  A First Book of Mapping Skills by Scot Ritchie.

I asked students what pirates and maps had in common to get their juices going.  Then, we had a fun time with a map activity I created, where students had to draw maps (focusing on map keys, symbols, and compass rose) to find the treasure!  I differentiated among the grade level, so there are actually 3 levels of maps I used:  for our gifted class, I gave them the blank map template, then they had to draw their own map key, compass rose, and create symbols.  For another class, I provided the map template, map key, symbols, compass rose, and title BUT they had to cut them out and use them in the correct place.  A third class received the map with the map key, symbols, and compass rose on it, but had to create a title and draw the symbols from the map key on to the map (and there was a space where they could create more symbols, if they wanted to).

It made for a really fun lesson, so I hope you'll check it out!  Click on the picture below to take you to TPT or {here} for Teacher's Notebook.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

We have stayed pretty busy this week!  Students have been working on their sparkle points to receive treats from the elves!  We also wrote letters to Santa, explored the Grinch's story and thought about ways to make him smile, and rescued Santa from being stuck in a chimney!  We also created stockings to encourage students that 'tis the time to be complimentary of their classmates!  
Thank you to Susan at TGIF (Thank God Its First Grade) for sharing this great freebie! :)  

Santa's Stuck came from Valerie at All Students Can Shine and the Grinch was modified from Dixie at Second Grade Fun's activity!  Most of these I found on Pinterest or from my blog roll from those offering freebies (and who doesn't want a freebie this time of year??).  You can check out my December Holidays board for more ideas I just couldn't fit in! :)

We also continued our study on graphs and created a survey, where we asked our classmates questions and had them vote on choices.  We took the data and created bar graphs and pictographs.  On Friday, we created questions about our graph and this coming Monday, we'll be able to have a "Graph Party" and go around the room, exploring the graphs and answering the student-created questions!  I hope to have this unit with its activities uploaded soon for you to explore!

We had a pirate treasure hunt with verb tenses using the Pirate Tweets.  Students had a great time finding special envelopes and writing answers on their treasure maps!  There were also some "Argh!" cards scattered in, where students had to perform verbs, such as dances, sing pirate songs, and bunny hop to the teacher!  If you purchased this activity, I am going to update it to include the ARGH cards, since that was a late night inspiration with the extra copies of the cards I had!  Click on the picture to download (or if you've already purchased, then to update!).

We'll finish our Elf Economics unit this week with a test on Wednesday.  The goods and services the students created were great!  Students enjoyed bartering (trading) not only their projects, but also goods that they had on special cards.  Did you know one of the bracelets was worth a chocolate cake AND a sheep? :)

One more week to go! Excitement has been building in the classroom, but we still have a lot to pack in this week!  Our school is having "Snowman Day."  We have an AWESOME resource team that puts on a seasonal day each year (each grade level gets 2 hours).  Last year was Gingerbread Day.  On Friday, we'll have a 1pm dismissal.  I saved that day of craziness to make crafts and just have fun!  Here are some of the crafts we'll be creating this year (I am not a crafty person, so I tend to do the "easier" ones!).

"Stained Glass" ornaments (using up all those old transparencies...I guess overhead projectors are antiques now?)

Holiday Craft: Stained Glass Decorations | 

Candy Cane Reindeer


Dipped Pretzel Rods

I have two parent volunteers coming in to help (whew!) so we'll probably rotate through stations.  Also that day, we'll have some seasonal centers that include both literacy and math.  I'll post more on that next week once I get them together.

I've already started a New Year's Resolution (hah!).  I just told the custodian who cleans my room I'm coming in over Christmas break, dumping everything on my desk on the floor and going through it!  I'm jealous of all those teachers who keep a clean desk.  The only reason I *might* have a space is for my laptop!  Don't believe me?  I took a picture just to put it somewhere to remind me!  My little corner space is a bit cramped!  These will be the "before" picture (see how I tried to get organized with the basket?)


My husband says it's the space of a busy, creative teacher.  Do I have him trained or what? :P

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pirate Tweets and Freebie#8

At least, I think it's number 8 :)  If I'm off, please let me know! :)  

I have some lego-lovin', piratey super hero star wars fans in my classroom this year, so I'm sure you've noticed a theme in some of the centers and games I've been making!!!

Today is no exception, except I decided to do something my girls would like as well.  I present to you my "Pirate Tweets."  Figure they're cute enough for the girls, but the boys will like the theme!
My class is filled with students who, um, let's just say need to be active!  That also includes writing.  I created "Grammar Adventures" for my class last year, and we had a lot of fun solving grammar mysteries.  This year, though, my students are a little "needier" and I haven't been able to use those adventures as much.   I'm so excited we're getting to the point where the students can start doing more things independently!  

So, they are going on a treasure hunt and finding correct verb tenses!  I've also included a sort with these cute pirates that students can do for reinforcement.  The whole packet is on sale at my teacher stores (and ON sale!!!), but you can pick up the verb sort {here} as a thank you for being my loyal followers!