This week with my Kindergarten and First Graders, we are looking at past and present. We're also discovering QR Codes for the first time for some of them as well! Students have had a lot of fun taking the tablets around and scanning cards to watch videos, see pictures, and see what the past was like! I also have had a past/present picture sort waiting for them to do at one of the tables (complete with hula hoops that are labeled), as well as a cut/paste activity on comparing the past/present. Plus, there's also the bonus of getting to check out this week!
For those of you that might be confused, our school has a STEM lab ("Innovation Lab") that meets 3 times during the nine weeks and it's during the library resource time. So, my first week was kind of a dud with teachers signing up for a flexible schedule. It was brand new to them and some of the sample lesson plans I sent out were a little ambitious and probably scared them off! (Mali marketplace, anyone?). So, for the second week, I recruited teachers by making up a digital citizenship lesson a K class missed due to a field trip.....and when the word spread that it was like an extra planning period, well, my K-2 teachers went wild and all signed up! They were really happy I asked THEM what to teach! I was doing math patterns with my Kinders, pirate maps with the Firsties, weather with the second get the idea. Now that we're on the 3rd week, I've been able to have a "soft opening" with my fourth and fifth graders with our Makerspace (planning to roll it all out after Thanksgiving), teaching past/present with K and 1, weather and economics with 2nd, character traits with get the idea!
So I wanted to share my Past/Present packet with you because my kiddos have had so much fun with it this week so far! Click on the title page to see more!
These are "hunt keys" I created for my kids so they could mark off the cards they scanned and watched