Showing posts with label blogiversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogiversary. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2013

Abbreviation Call Out and a Blogiversary!

It's another snow day.

I think I'd have more enthusiasm if it wasn't that after a 4 day weekend, my kids are not going to be their best and brightest at 9am in the morning when we have reps from the state coming in to visit.  Little bit of panic mode!

Well, that and our 100th day keeps moving.  Now it's next Wednesday (was originally today!).  And, we're in the middle of PALS (reading) testing and today was our day to test.  It's rescheduled for, you guessed it - Wednesday. *sigh*

Good news - I got to sleep in.  :)  Always a treat!

Better news - I finally got my "Abbreviation Call Out!" activity done!  I described it in the last email and promised a picture.  Took several pictures (and of course all my students wanted to pose!)...and murphy's law, the camera didn't have a SD card inside and my cord school. 

Knowing that I could not find any more speech bubbles at Walmart :( and figured you might not be able to as well, I created a center for you to use!  It's over at my teacher's store BUT since I realized that January 14th was my actual "blogiversary" I decided to offer it to my followers as a thank you! ;)  I have LOVED discovering the world of teacher blogging and it has really changed my way of teaching!  Well, maybe not changed, but definitely enhanced! I still get giddy every time I see a have a new follower!!!!

So, here it is.  Click on the picture to take you to Google Drive to download. :) I'll keep it available as a freebie till the end of the month! :)