Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Weather Or Not, Here We Are!

I recently had a chance to work with classes on a flexible schedule where I collaborated with teachers in K-5.  I have mixed feelings about this.  Not about collaboration, mind you!  If you've read my earlier posts, you know that this year, we have a STEM lab that meets 3 weeks during the nine weeks during library resource.  It gives me a chance to have a flexible schedule.  The first week, no one signed up :(  The next two weeks, I had more and more classes sign up so that some days, I could barely fit in lunch!  I was excited to collaborate with the teachers and taught everything from math patterns in K to character traits in 5th!

This post, I'll focus on the weather review I created for second grade.  One of the second grade teachers asked me to help her review for the weather test for her class, which is the collaborative one in second grade. These kids are sweet, but low.  I wanted something to draw their attention.  I had just held a PD on using QR codes in the classroom, so I thought it would be fun to introduce these kiddos as well!

We read the story, Hurricane Hunters, which had the class fascinated.  It's a nonfiction story about how the Air Force works with the National Hurricane Center.
Image result for hurricane hunters book

It really had them on the edge of their seats!

So, I followed up with introducing QR Codes to students, how to scan them (we were using android devices), and I kept the cards on the full sheet of paper, but created 9 sets (one for each of our library tables) for students to work together and scan some of the different websites, videos, and pictures.  We followed this up with students completing a fun activity that they were able to draw and create weather scenes.  That was also a big hit!

So, it was a very fun time in the library that day for both me and the kids.  I love to do things like this that show the library is much more than just a place to check out books! (Although I had to include weather bookmarks, mind you!  It's okay - the kids thought they were cool!)

If you're interested in seeing more of my packet, click on the picture below!