Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow Day Freebie!

Well, I wasn't sure if they called out schools a little too early, but finally it's actually looking like snow!!!  Not that I'm complaining.  I mean, I told my friend the other day if it was going to be this cold, we needed snow!  Guess I got my wish! (Even though, believe it or not, it was 50 degrees yesterday - winter in Virginia!).

So, I was thinking I haven't posted a "blog only" freebie in a while.  So, I thought I'd share one of my review games I was making for my kids!  I still have several that have trouble with their basic facts, and my kids love dice games, so I did a making 10, 20, and 25 cents ('cause who doesn't need money review?).  I'm also working on a money recognition game or worksheet for my ESL student that I hope to either edit and add to the post later, or will add in another post.  Until then, enjoy your freebie and thanks for following me! :)  Click {here} to get your dice games!

Freebie Fridays


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