Anywho, looking for a cute button to post on the side for bloglovin'.
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I just need to remember to post more on my blog and maybe a little less on Instagram. I have fallen in LOVE with Instagram. I mean, to the point that I'm looking at "Minecraft" things for my son and showing him! Hah! I mean, the child already has a page I dedicated to him on Pinterest. :) If I keep showing him things like this, I'm going to have to change his regular cell phone into a smartphone!!!! Yikes!
So, on to Currently. A little early, a LOT scary when I look at my "to do" list (including Zumba - I REALLY need to blow the dust off the DVD and just DO IT!), and making me super anxious to get in my classroom and start setting it up!
Thanks Farley for doing this each month! :) I find so many new blogs out there thanks to this!!! Be sure to check out her newest link "Teacher Block Partay!" to find your grade level blogs!
*Don't ask me why it's so hard to pick a time during the day - when other than doctor appointments and IEP meetings - I have the whole day to choose from to stick in that DVD and do Zumba! I have a hard time losing weight and this is the one guaranteed thing that does it for me. Sad, huh? Maybe now that I've put it in writing for the world to see, it'll shame me into doing it! LOL
*I'm trying to be "pinspired" to organize my house. I would be ashamed to show you a pic of how my house looks. I keep trying that "room by room" routine, but I can't seem to get a room done in one day and finished! Speaking of which, after I finish this post, I'll be finishing up my daughter's room and hopefully posting "before/after" pics on Instagram (to inspire me to do more!).
*Tip/Trick: I have been guilty of doing that - creating something cute and posting it on TPT or TN and then not using it in my class. I find that if I do it for myself and my kids, then those are the items that sell! Plus, I can always give a "kids approved" endorsement :)
Make sure to hop on over and link up with Farley! :)
I am with you on the Zumba thing. I have been out of school for an entire month now, and I have made time to exercise maybe twice. I must get better! I love the Cosby Show, too! I am your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts!
Your advice for TPT creating is SO TRUE! Good luck with your weight loss. I'm in the same boat, and I agree; motivating myself is so tough :/
I'm your newest follower!
Angela :)
Hippo Hooray for Second Grade!
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