That being said, I am currently planning for next week. As most of you know, we follow Investigations here at my school for K-2. Of course, if you know that, you know how un-fond I am of that design, but I am trying my best to push it into small groups (how else can you teach math???) and fit our state standards.
That being said, it does have its merits in some of the games that they have created.
One of my current class's favorites right now is "Guess My Number." They love it so much, they've requested it as a BUILD center! Gotta love that as a teacher! It focuses on choosing a "secret number" and you basically narrow it down as students guess. It's a great way to become familiar with the hundreds chart, with number sense, as well as greater than/less than.
Sooo.....I usually use a hundreds chart and dry erase markers (or a number line if we're playing it whole class), but knowing my kids this year, they might need a "refresher" with the rules, so I created a template for the game with some "reminders" of what to do. Knowing I was offering it to my followers, and how brain-dead I am on a Friday :) I threw in a couple of extra pages with a sample game and sample dialogue, as well as an explanation!

Happy Weekend! :)