Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Currently

I'm finally catching up with Currently this month!  I've missed doing these this past year, but as things are slowing down (maybe I shouldn't speak too soon), I've told myself I must be better about blogging and sharing ideas!

So, here we go....

So, this week we have Election Day off (that's only been happening for the last couple years) AND on Monday, we have a staff development day, which leads to my "Loving"'s not often that all the elementary librarians get together to talk/meet.  Usually it's just quick notes through email, and usually for an interlibrary loan! :)  We're all bringing things for a potluck lunch between us, which should be a nice change from my usual PB&J.  Towards the end of the week, several of us are heading to our state conference in Roanoke.  It'll be my first "official" conference in this position, and I am excited!!!!  I absolutely LOVE going to conferences (ISTE is one of my faves).  I got to sample it as a student years ago, and really enjoyed the few sessions I attended.  This group of ladies I work with (there are four of us) really made me feel welcome to this position, like we were part of a small club.  I'm hosting in my library, as well, so I hope they like what they see!

Wanting and Needing...when the weather turns cold, it's definitely hot chocolate and firepit weather!  It also makes me think ahead to Christmas shopping for my two kiddos.  I am literally stumped this year!  My son, 13, I could get some new sheets for (I know it sounds lame, but I lucked into a great deal with 1600 thread count sheets thru Zulily, and my son really wants some!)....but anything else???  Then there's my daughter who's 8.  She wants EVERYTHING she sees on commercials, but honestly, what does she really need?  Not a lot of toys, I can tell you that!  Her bookshelf is overflowing, she definitely has enough clothes and shoes....

I know I have a few months, but I like to be done before the big rush starts, or else I shop online.  I worked too long in retail to want to head out in the crowds!

Reading....guilty pleasure - I started the series years ago when I read the first book aloud to my fourth graders.  I have been envious of my students and some of the interesting reads they've been checking out.  I kept telling myself I'd catch up on some of these books this summer (then of course realized how I usually spend my summer and how fast it goes), sooo....even though I've been working on it for two weeks, I am enjoying getting in a little reading, snuggled up under the covers and relaxing!

So, that's me lately in a nutshell!  Now that I've typed that about reading, I think I'll end here and go snuggle up with my book! :)


  1. I enjoyed reading your posts. I love these Currently posts. They are a great way to get to know other bloggers! That is nice that you get Monday and Tuesday off from kids. We go to school tomorrow, then have Tuesday off and return to school Wed-Fri. It's a different kind of week.

    Ms. King's Kinders

  2. You sound like the kind of library media specialist that all kids love and should have in their lives! I love it that you read books for your students! Read on!
    Heather from Mrs. Renz Class

  3. Chrissy, I'm so happy to have found you through Currently, knowing that you're a library media specialist!! With all our District budget cuts over the years, we no longer have a trained librarian!! It's so sad because our Library Media teacher was incredible!! And I see you're in Virginia; my daughter is near you. . . at GW for school & I'm missing her! I'll have to check out Children of the Lamp; always looking for new series!
