Friday, January 31, 2014

Super Sales!

What a weekend coming up!

First, the groundhog will (hopefully) NOT see his shadow, and we'll have an early Spring!  We're at the point that we used up our 10 days, and now we have to add on to the end of the school year (our days are lengthening by 20 minutes starting Monday) if we miss any more days. Boo hiss!

Then, of course, we have the other part of "Super Sunday."  My husband's in heaven because 1) UVA has a game that day and 2) coverage for the BIG game starts at 11am!  Yikes!  I mean, how many times can we analyze what these teams have done in one season?  Sorry, I'm not the biggest football fan!

Our first "Super Sale" comes from Teacher's Notebook.  My store is 40% off EVERYTHING and of course, they'll give you an extra 10% on top of that, as well as a special sweepstakes!  Gotta love it!


If you're not a Teacher's Notebook shopper, you can head over to Teachers Pay Teachers!  I found this linkup here for awesome resources marked just $1!

With the sale, here are some of my items that are marked at 80 cents!

Billy and the Magic String

 Button Button....Identifying Attributes

 Candy Cane Counting:  Place Value to Tens and Hundreds

 Clink Clank...What's In My Bank?

I'm also hooking up with Enriching Kinders to promote our sale on TpT on our ENTIRE stores for 20% off!  Being second grade, I have students that benefit from Kindergarten and first grade materials, so I'm always on the lookout! Definitely check her out on Instagram - she always has the coolest ideas!

Here are some of her awesome products!

 I Have, Who Has? Dino Numbers 0-20

 Arctic Tallies Pack
Be sure to check out the sales!  Click on any of the pictures to take you to the stores!  Please be sure to show the love and become a follower! :)  Happy shopping!

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