Saturday, November 23, 2013

Gathering Thoughts On Diversity and SALES!

So, you have those units that you just look at and say "ugh" right?  I mean, there's no way you can cutesy it up or make it interesting or (in this case) understandable for your students, right?

When I taught fourth grade, that was studying the different documents - Statute for Religious Freedom, Declaration of Rights, etc.  I finally came up with this great idea of a "book of secrets", thanks to a friend's inspiration and it became "cool."

In second grade, it's diversity.  I mean, citizenship, it's another unit like that, but it hits home to kids.  I mean, it's the way they're supposed to behave!  Diversity, though, or "2.12" as we know it wants us to teach that the people of Virginia
a) have state and local government officials who are elected by voters
b) have diverse ethnic origins, customs, and traditions, make contributions to their communities, and are united as Americans by common principles.

Yeah, see what I mean?  I know some of my coworkers in the past have translated this to "Christmas Around the World."  While that DOES teach cultures, it doesn't quite meet the standard!

So, last year, I started with some different ideas and have jotted notes here and there about it, pinned ideas from Pinterest, and even did a Google search for inspiration.

Now, I FINALLY have a unit to be excited to teach!  And you know what it's like when YOU are excited - it gets the kiddos excited as well!

I mean, check out the notes page on my curriculum framework:

So, after a few weeks of twerking it, I think it's finally good!  (Not that kind of twerking!).

So, voila!  My new unit on Diversity.  For those VA 2nd grade teachers (and 3rd, who need to review):  "Studying About Diversity:  What Makes Us Different?  What Makes Us the Same?"

It includes:  Detailed lessons, activity sheets, editable Powerpoint, simulations, printable book - I hope you'll be able to use it!  (Click here to take you to TpT or TN to see more!).  Oh - and on TN, I have a 50% off the ENTIRE store from Wednesday November 27 to December 4!  (Psst...and I think TpT will be having a sale soon as well!)

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