So, this week, I'm putting up for a freebie a Scarecrow Study I just completed Tuesday night! It's for sale at my TpT store, but for this weekend, it's FREE! Be sure to grab it and please - leave feedback! :)
I have several students who do not celebrate Halloween. So, I've been very careful to avoid faces on pumpkins and other things that could be construed Halloweenish.....I've done it before, no biggie. You just go seasonal. :) As in, we're going to be having some week-long studies of bats, spiders, pumpkins, and of course, scarecrows!
Between teaching grammar and writing skills, it's hard for me to find time to just let my kids WRITE and respond to a prompt! I mean, my poor seed notebooks I created this summer are just sitting there :( I keep telling myself - seeds, as in second semester (once we have the sentence structure, etc. down). So, my solution was to make it "Fun Fridays" in writing and do a craftivity/activity each Friday that the kids respond to in writing. Hence, the themes. So far, we've done fall trees, clouds (review for weather), apples, and a few others I just can't think of right now (past my bedtime as I'm writing this!). Oh yes - Otis - how can I forget "Read for the Record" and our cute tractors???
Anywho, I found this GREAT book about Scarecrows that is actually NONFICTION. (We're in our nonfiction stage of study right now with our 2nd nine weeks). How perfect is that?
Soooo.....with a few old (and I mean, have that brownish tinge to them) mailbox pages from days gone by, a craftivity from "All Students Can Shine", and this packet, we're gonna learn about scarecrows!
So, pick it up now, leave me some
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