Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Resources4Teaching.com | Secure and full-featured Online Shopping Portal for Educational Purposes

Resoures4teaching Inc.

Resources4Teaching.com | Secure and full-featured Online Shopping Portal for Educational Purposes

Back in August, I was nicely contacted by Martin Legault, asking me if I would be interested in joining as a "Teacher Vendor" for a new website he had created called "Resources 4 Teaching."

So, it's taken me awhile to get my ducks in a row, but I finally had some procrastination "down time" this weekend, and set up my first 3 products.

It's such a cute website!  It's based in Ontario, Canada, so I have to admit, I felt a little guilt putting up my "Citizenship Bundle", so I relabeled it the "US Version"....now, hmmm, where can I find cute clipart with Canadian kids? :)  There are a few things to tweak (president=prime minister, red/white/blue outfits to Canadian flags, etc), but I think I'll be able to publish a Canadian version (and maybe Australian), since the basic concepts of the unit are treating each other with respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, etc.  Add that to my "to do" list!

I also added my Word Families packet 1 (I plan on doing more) and my "Apples to Bananas:  Word Story Problems" as well.  I was so excited that my Word Families Packet became the featured product of the day!

I realize that this is the 3rd teacher product site (that I know of) out there, but I have to admit, since it's small, it's easier to find things without having to go thru pages and pages.  In no way shape or form am I going to leave TpT or TN in the dust, mind you!  So many fabulous products have been uploaded on both!  However, it was nice to see other products that maybe I hadn't thought about before, or seen before.

Because it's based in Ontario, there are taxes added to the products.  However, I'm off to go buy some of the super cute ESL products on there to help out my lil' D in my class.  Bless his heart, you can tell he's so smart, but the language barrier can sometimes get to him!

I hope you'll go check it out!  Click on the link at the top and check it out! :)


  1. Hi Chrissy,

    Thank you for the kind words. Also, check out our forums if you would like to connect with other teachers. www.resources4teaching.com/forums

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