Monday, July 22, 2013

SALE and Blog Buttons!

Just a reminder - 25% off my TpT store through today!!!  If you missed it, don't worry - I'll be hosting a "Back to School" sale in a couple weeks! :)

Have you seen my sidebar?  I am SUPER EXCITED about my blog button!  I made it myself! :)  

I had been trying to do a "matching" button to my blog, but after time and time again of blurry or too tiny - I decided to make one of my own.  It's a little more personal with my lil' meerkat peeking up!


I have code!  Woo hoo!  Thanks to Sarah over at Mrs. Jones Teaches and "I Teach, What's Your Superpower?, I found out about "Grab My Button Code Generator."  Sooo super easy to put your button on here with the code!

So, short post (I know - unusual for me!) since I'm supposed to be paying attention in my pacing guide meeting :) (actually, we're on lunch, but it's almost over!), but wanted to share!


  1. Thanks for the shout out, Mrs. Youel! Your new button looks great!

    Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)

  2. Cool I will have to try out that code generator sometime soon! I am your newest follower by the way - hi!!
    P.S. Would love for you to come check out my little blog if you are not already following it! :)
    Mrs. Cobb's Kindersprouts
