Friday, July 5, 2013

Blog Hops, Summer Reading, and Whole Brain Teaching

Christmas in July?  As scary as it sounds (it already makes me go "eek!" that it's July and half my "to do" list is not done!), there are 17 blogs out there not only having a sale, but having a blog hop AND a contest going on!  Here's a link to stop#1:
Enjoy and make sure to look for the flamingo/underlined word in each freebie to solve the puzzle!  I found the link when I opened up Pinterest this morning.  Thought I'd share! :)

Summer reading....I really like what I've been hearing about "Whole Brain Teaching."  Once again, a Pinterest stumble, but I really like the ideas that were posted and decided to go ahead and order the book.  Well, I did try to find it locally, but it seems it's only available via in my neck of the woods.  So, now I'm awaiting my book (hoping it's before next Wednesday, which is the estimated delivery date) and have downloaded most of the ebooks from the official site, as well as shared the idea with my teammates.

I'm gathering info and have started a new Pinterest board in case you're interested in looking at it as well!  There are a lot of blogs out there about WBT, so it's nice to find that support and people to ask questions!

With my safari theme, this is what I've created so far:

At some point, I'll have all this gathered together in a packet and share!  I wanted to read the book before I made anything available, to make sure I'm on the right track. :)  I'm also working on a planner that I hope to share as a freebie soon! :)

Do you do Whole Brain Teaching in your room?  How do you think it works?  It seems very successful and very to the point!  I also like the idea of the hand gestures and I'm always looking for ways to make learning fun! :)

1 comment:

  1. I use the classroom rules and some of the management techniques from wbt. I really enjoyed watching the videos to see how it worked inside the classroom. I stumbled across it 4 years ago when I had a difficult class and needed new techniques! There are a lot of videos on youtube and joining the whole brain teaching website is free ( If you goggle power teaching, you may get some good hits as well (that's what Chris Biffle called it prior to wbt). Have fun!
