Monday, April 15, 2013

Sushi Monster: Favorite App Linky Party

I'm joining up with The Techie Teacher to showcase one of my students' (and mine, since it's helping their math skills!) favorite apps!

We have 4 iPod Touches for our classroom from a PTA Grant and Donors Choose, and when my students have it as one of their BUILD Centers (or for extra time), they always choose "Sushi Monster."
The concept behind it is for students to add numbers together (the first level is basic facts, then it grows harder with each level) and touch the correct plate of sushi (with the answer).  It's a FREE app by Scholastic.  There is also multiplication on there as well for your higher students!

Be sure to check it out! ;)  Also be sure to link up to "The Techie Teacher" to share your favorite app! :)


  1. I will be downloading this one tonight. Thank you so much for sharing!
    The Techie Teacher

  2. I couldn't believe this was the top educational app (thought it was mistake). I downloaded it just to see what it was about a month ago and I fell in love with it! It is such a cute app for practicing math facts and it really keeps kids engaged!
    Sent From My iPad
