Thursday, December 20, 2012

A little elf gave me....

.....a freebie!  I needed one more center for my math rotation tomorrow and what better than a glyph!  I love glyphs.  My only disappointment is a (slap forehead) duh! moment - it would have been cute to display outside, but then again, I took down Santa letters for the Grinch....and those Grinches turned out so cute, I am going to be bummed to take them down in January! (Yes, I'm a bad girl and won't be sending them home just yet!).

Well, tomorrow is a 1pm dismissal and then 2 weeks of Winter Break!  I can't wait!  My "to do" list is getting longer and more school related (heck, I even asked the custodians which days/times they'd be in!!!), but I like the idea of setting my own schedule.  Somehow, it keeps me more motivated! :)

So, back to the glyph.  I had found a super cute website called, which has many free clipart selections, including seasonal.  What I REALLY loved as well was that many of the graphics are in black/white.  Knowing that anything I need in color is my nickel to print at home, I really appreciate that!

So, tonight I created a Christmas Glyph, featuring the elves.  We've done so much with elves this month, from earning "sparkle points" to our economics unit, that I felt they needed to be included somewhere in our holiday centers!  So, here it is.  Click on the picture to take you to Teacher's Notebook to download!  At some point, I'd like to have a collection of seasonal glyphs in one pack (add that as #143 on my list?).  Until then, enjoy!  Even if you're already out (jealous!) or seeing this a little too late, save it for next year! :)

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