Monday, April 2, 2012

April Currently

Yes, our house is still not quite fixed from last Fall's earthquake :( One, we weren't granted FEMA money until January, and then, replacing our sliding glass door (my dining room has looked like an episode from Hoarders with the table being on the subfloor and each and every piece of trash or riff-raff that is in the house has been attracted to this area!) for the THIRD time (they kept ordering the wrong door, the installer couldn't come, etc.) HOPEFULLY this Thursday, things will be FIXED! Well, that is, once my husband then replaces the laminate wood flooring....sigh, sigh, sigh. We won't mention the dogs and cat who kept thinking the exposed padding was some kind of invitation to a bathroom! :(

Okay, so Energy Boost....I guess that's kind of self-explanatory! I think all of us would like to have that...the days when we're dragging, our room is trashed, and all you want to do is go home and take a nap! Hmm, either that or a "motivation button"...but if I had energy, I'd have motivation, right?

I'll need that Friday! I'm in charge of this field trip to the Frontier Culture Museum and while it's a GREAT trip, I hate the whole stress of the $$$ and charter buses (which takes a $6 field trip to $27!). We did a "save the date" back in February, so parents would be aware of the cost, then gave them until this Tuesday to send in slips/money. So, it's nail biting time, to make sure we "break even"! Don't get me wrong...I LOVE field trips! I love exposing students to things they otherwise would never know about/experience. However, if I wanted to be a bookkeeper, I'd be one!

Whew! Thanks for reading my little rantings :) A big thank you to Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for posting this month's Currently. I still can't believe it's April!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am your newest follower! Head on over and check out my blog! Happy Saturday!
