Sunday, March 4, 2012

Is It Really Sunday Night????

Okay, where did the weekend go? Granted, I spent Saturday with a friend for an early birthday present, so it left me Sunday to work on school work, but here I am, eying the time, knowing I have to get the kids ready for bed.....sigh, sigh, sigh. I'm also eying the stack I still have left to do!

Ah well. I wanted to share a few highlights of my weekend (professionally speaking!). First, I SOLD MY FIRST ITEM ON MY TEACHERS PAY TEACHER STORE!!!!!! Can I get a "woo hoo"??? Still no followers :( but I'm still excited about my first sale!

Second, Emily from Second Grade Silliness awarded me the "Lovely Blog" award. Very cool! Thanks so much, Emily! I will be passing it on soon! I am posting my awards on my sidebar proudly! :) Still figuring out how to make a "blog button" but right now, Google is fussing at the school's version of Firefox, telling it that it's outdated, etc. At some point I'll have to figure out how to make it part of my profile, so I can replace the "flying books" (which is cool, but this is more personal!).

I've posted a couple new things in my TpT store for free. At some point, will also "zip up" my units for each book in our Harcourt series and put them on there to share! Also working on making my rounding centers a little more "computer friendly", so I can share those as well. My "to do" list keeps growing!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Just think....only 12 more days to get ready for St. Patrick's Day! :)

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